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NSU Explores International Collaboration with Applied Science Private University in Jordan

Peter Gannett, Ph.D., associate dean, research and graduate education of NSU’s College of Pharmacy; Professor Nasser Abdellatif, vice president and dean of students at Applied Science Private University (ASU); Lisa Deziel, Pharm.D., Ph.D., dean of NSU’s College of Pharmacy; and Anthony DeNapoli, Ed.D., associate dean, International Affairs at NSU.
Professor Nasser Abdellatif, vice president and dean of students at Applied Science Private University (ASU) – the largest private university of higher education in Amman, Jordon, visited NSU to meet with Anthony DeNapoli, Ed.D., associate dean, international affairs at NSU, Lisa Deziel, Pharm.D., Ph.D., dean of NSU’s College of Pharmacy and Peter Gannett, Ph.D., associate dean, research & graduate education of NSU’s College of Pharmacy. The visit afforded the opportunity to explore collaborative undertakings between NSU and ASU. Discussions focused on developing a working agreement to lay the groundwork for institutional cooperation. It is expected that the agreement will lead to a variety of collaborative arrangements such as joint research activities, co-supervision of master’s or doctoral students, and ASU sponsored students joining NSU graduate programs. While the focus of the discussions with Abdellatif were mainly focused on graduate education and research, interactions at the professional level were also discussed, including ASU being a site for an international experience for Pharm.D. students in the future.