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NSU Dental Student Receives Colgate Research Scholarship Award
The Colgate Research Scholarship Award is presented to junior and/or senior dental students who have shown academic distinction and demonstrated excellence in research. Each recipient receives $500 and complimentary admission to American Association of Women Dentists’ (AAWD) Annual Meeting.
Bo has been an active participant in research while pursuing her master’s in chemistry and doctor of dental medicine degrees, currently serving as a lab research assistant focusing on stem cell research under the direction of Umadevi Kandalam, Ph.D., associate professor of pediatric dentistry at NSU’s College of Dental Medicine. Their work was part of a poster titled “Gelling Parameters of Alginate and Viability of Umbilical-Cord Stem Cell” that was presented at the 2014 International Association for Dental Research meeting.
Bo is a native of Canada and earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in chemistry from University of British Columbia. She is president of the Women’s Dental Society (WDS), the AAWD student organization at NSU’s College of Dental Medicine, and previously served as vice president. She has organized the group’s participation in several fundraisers for organizations including UNICEF and the Miami Breast Cancer Awareness Run for the Susan G. Komen Foundation. She has also participated in other activities such as the Oral Cancer Awareness Run and Give Kids a Smile Day, both at NSU.
Bo and the other nine winners will be listed in the August issue of the AAWD’s Chronicle newsletter and on the organization’s website: www.aawd.org.