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Division of Public Relations and Marketing Communications
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NSU College of Pharmacy Celebrates 25th Anniversary, Nov. 3

Nova Southeastern University’s College of Pharmacy will proudly celebrate its 25th anniversary on Nov. 3.

The 7 p.m. celebration titled “History of NSU’s College of Pharmacy: Pioneering into the future” will be held at NSU’s Alvin Sherman Library, located at the university’s main Davie campus. The featured speakers include NSU President George L. Hanbury II, Ph.D.; Fred Lippman, R.Ph., Ed.D., Chancellor of NSU’s Health Professions Division; and Andrés Malavé, Ph.D., dean of NSU’s College of Pharmacy.

Since its inception in 1987, the College of Pharmacy has been a leader in pharmacy education and research throughout the United States. Here are some highlights:

  • The College has graduated over 3,300 pharmacists since its inception; 1/3 of which are practicing in South Florida.
  • The Pharm.D. Program has expanded – from admitting a class of 49 students to 240 students per year, including two satellite campuses in Palm Beach, Florida and in Ponce, Puerto Rico.
  • The addition of a Pharm.D. “track” for International Pharmacists, representing 39 countries worldwide, has highlighted our contribution to pharmacy education throughout the globe.
  • Since the Charter Class, our students’ passing rates on pharmacy licensing exams continue to be above 90%, exceeding national rates.
  • The College is the only college of pharmacy in the U.S. that operates a full-service community pharmacy, and a full institutional pharmacy service.
  • Our summer study-abroad program is the largest and most sought out international program of any college of pharmacy.
  • The College inaugurated the country’s first Center for Consumer Health Informatics Research, generating discoveries that leverage the potential of consumer health informatics to improve patient health.
  • The College boasts the most culturally diverse faculty and student body.
  • The College launched the fastest growing and unique program of graduate study and research leading to the doctor of philosophy degree (Ph.D.), creating a “critical mass” of researchers prepared for careers in academia and research-directed institutions.
  • Over 20,000 pharmacists from all over world have successfully completed the College’s continuing education programs for pharmacists.
  • The first two patents granted to Nova Southeastern University was developed by a College of Pharmacy faculty member.
  • The College built the first therapeutically stone-studded pathway, the longest of its kind in the United States. Located on the renovated Medicinal & Healing Garden (in the heart of NSU’s 300-acre complex), both are opened to the NSU community and the public, making this setting a living classroom.

College of Pharmacy events leading up to the Nov. 3 anniversary celebration include:

Nov. 3 – NSU Fall Classic: The Best of the Best Continuing Education for Pharmacist.

For more information about the College of Pharmacy’s 25th anniversary celebration and other events, please contact Millie Velez at mislady@nova.edu or 954-262-1674 or visit http://pharmacy.nova.edu/