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NSU College of Optometry Hosts InfantSEE Symposium

Speakers from “Taking Infant Care into the Community,” including Glen T. Steele, O.D. FAAO, FCOVD, InfantSEE® national chair, Yin C. Tea, O.D., FAAO, NSU assistant professor, chief of pediatric and binocular vision service; Tom Sullivan, public advocate and author; David Loshin, O.D., Ph.D., FAAO, dean, NSU College of Optometry; and Robin Benoit, parent advocate and author.
Community leaders, health care professionals, teachers, parents, and NSU faculty and staff members recently joined together to promote vision screenings for infants. As part of the NSU College of Optometry’s 25th anniversary celebration week, the college hosted a program titled “Taking Infant Care into the Community” on Sept. 19 in the Health Profession’s Division Chancellor’s Dining Room.
The presentation featured two NSU College of Optometry speakers, Yin C. Tea, O.D., FAAO, assistant professor, chief of pediatric and binocular vision service, who addressed infant vision exams, and Deborah Amster, O.D., FAAO, FCOVD, assistant professor, who spoke about to vision and development.
Guest speakers included Glen T. Steele, O.D. FAAO, FCOVD, InfantSEE® national chair, who provided attendees with an introduction to InfantSEE®, Robin Benoit, parent advocate and author, who provided a parent’s perspective on the importance of visual assessment early on in a child’s life and shared her daughters story, and Tom Sullivan, public advocate and author, who encouraged an inspirational call to action. Sullivan is an actor, singer, athlete, entertainer, author, composer, and producer. Blind since shortly after birth, Sullivan is known for his message of hope and possibility.
This presentation was made possible thanks to sponsors, including Optometry Cares® – the AOA Foundation and the Allergan Foundation, and NSU’s optometric pediatric faculty members, Yin C. Tea, O.D., FAAO, assistant professor, chief of pediatric and binocular vision service; Stacey Coulter, O.D., M.S.Ed., FAAO, FCOVD, diplomate, associate professor; Gregory Fecho, O.D., assistant professor; Jacqueline Rodena, O.D., assistant professor; Nadine Girgis Hanna, O.D., FAAO, assistant professor; Deborah Amster, O.D., FAAO, FCOVD, assistant professor; Erin Jenewein, O.D., M.S., FAAO, assistant professor, chief, The Eye Care Institute at KID; Michael Au, O.D., instructor and Surbhi Bansal, O.D., instructor.
InfantSEE®, a public health program, managed by Optometry Cares® – the AOA Foundation, is designed to ensure that eye and vision care becomes an essential part of infant wellness care to improve a child’s quality of life. Under this program, participating optometrists provide a comprehensive infant eye assessment between 6 and 12 months of age as a no-cost public service.
To schedule your infant’s InfantSEE assessment at Nova Southeastern University’s The Eye Care Institute, please call (954) 262-4200.
For more information on InfantSEE, please visit http://www.infantsee.org/.
For more information on Robin Benoit, please visit http://www.jilliansstory.com/about-the-authors.php.
For more information on Tom Sullivan, please visit http://sullivanlive.com/about-tom/tom-sullivans-story.

Robin Benoit, parent advocate and author, speaks with guests about the importance of early visual assessments and vision therapy.