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NSU Biology Students Inducted into National Honor Society

NSU Biology Students Inducted into National Honor Society.

NSU Biology Students Inducted into National Honor Society.

The Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences hosted NSU’s 12th annual induction ceremony for Beta Beta Beta (TriBeta), the national biological honor society, on April 10. This year, the college inducted 61 undergraduate biology majors into the society’s Rho Rho chapter.

TriBeta is dedicated to improving the understanding and appreciation of biological study, and extending boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research. To be eligible for membership, students must have a 3.2 GPA overall (3.0 GPA in the major) and have completed at least 45 credits toward their degree (including at least three biology courses).

The ceremony opened with congratulatory remarks by Don Rosenblum, Ph.D., dean of the college, and a welcome from James Munoz, Ph.D., assistant professor at the college and TriBeta faculty adviser. Robert Speth, Ph.D., professor of pharmaceutical sciences at NSU’s College of Pharmacy, served as keynote speaker for the ceremony.

Speth discussed his pathway to becoming a neurobiologist, highlighting the pivotal role his post-doctoral advisor and mentor, Hank Yamamura, played in shaping his life in science. Speth offered students the following advice for a rewarding and fulfilling career: “Always be optimistic; keep a positive outlook and share it with everyone you meet; never lose your enthusiasm; and be ready to find your own path when all the known paths seem to be blocked.”

Next, this year’s TriBeta officers led the induction of new members. Officers include Paige Swalley (president), Biana Modilevsky (vice-president), Raul Molina (treasurer), Ruby Wagimin (historian), and Mustari Akhi (secretary). The new inductees joined the officers in reciting the society’s membership pledge. Each student also signed his or her name in the TriBeta membership book, solidifying induction into the honor society.

Following the ceremony, TriBeta members were joined by faculty, college leadership, family members, and friends for a celebratory reception.