NSU Newsroom
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NSU Alumni Spotlight: Sandra L. Brown, J.D.
Sandra L. Brown, B.S. (’91), and J.D., is the owner of the Law Offices of Sandra L. Brown, P.C., a boutique law firm with 18 years of experience in the entertainment industry. Brown represents a diverse clientele of multiplatinum talent and award- winning celebrities in all areas of entertainment, including music, publishing, television, motion picture, and new media. In her role, she negotiates agreements for companies or talent in the entertainment business and provides consulting regarding the use of client intellectual property.
In 2010, Brown was named one of 13 Women Fueling the Music Industry by the Atlanta Post and was a Women Behind the Music 2010 Honoree by the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers.
According to Brown, “NSU provided a small-school experience—small classes and great interaction with faculty and staff members and classmates—which helped me develop the confidence a young person needs to transition from high school student, to college graduate, to law student.”