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Division of Public Relations and Marketing Communications
Nova Southeastern University
3301 College Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796


NSU Alumni Spotlight: Polly Bowes-Howell, Ed.D.


Polly Bowes-Howell, Ed.D.

Polly Bowes-Howell, Ed.D. (’00), is the regional dean for the International University of the Caribbean, where she is responsible for coordinating the Early Childhood Diploma program for students, the Bachelor of Education program for primary school teachers, and the Bachelor of  Arts in Counseling for both primary and secondary school teachers. Bowes-Howell also serves on the board or in another capacity in 14 organizations within her community. In her spare time, she is an education consultant in special education and early childhood development, volunteers with the disabled community, and works with children with serious behavioral problems.

Bowes-Howell has received 11 awards, including the Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Education, the Jamaica Teachers Association Roll of Honour, International University of the Caribbean Foundation Award, Kiwanis International Emerald Award, and the Governor General’s Achievement Award. Her mission, she says, is to “advocate for equity and empowerment of individuals with disabilities and facilitate increased effectiveness of educational institutions by strengthening the governance and internal management mechanisms.”