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NSU Alumni Spotlight: Osmel Delgado, Pharm.D.
Osmel Delgado, Pharm.D. (’02), is the administrative director of Clinical Operations for Cleveland Clinic of Florida, where he is responsible for 85 full-time employees and manages a $26-million, annual, drug expense budget; seven Florida pharmacy permits; and surgical operations of 11 operating rooms suites and 3 outpatient surgical suites. During his eight years at Cleveland Clinic, Delgado has implemented an American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP)-accredited pharmacy residency program, an epic EMR for inpatient and outpatient services including complete CPOE, a bedside delivery of discharge prescriptions program, and carousel technology to reduce drug inventory by 15 percent.
Delgado is involved with the ASHP, the Florida Society of Health-System Pharmacists, and the Southeast Society of Health-System Pharmacists. In 2009, South Florida Business Journal recognized Delgado with the Mover and Shaker Award. He was also a recipient of the Caregiver Award in 2012 from the Cleveland Clinic and the Excellence in Pharmacy Leadership award in 2011.
“NSU has impacted my career by creating a network that extends beyond its university campuses,” said Delgado. “I am able to work with NSU alumni to help advance the profession of pharmacy in a practice setting.”