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Division of Public Relations and Marketing Communications
Nova Southeastern University
3301 College Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796


NSU Alumni Spotlight: Michele Liscio, D.M.F.T.

Michele Liscio

Michele Liscio, B.S. ’00, M.S. ’03, and D.M.F.T. ’07

Michele Liscio, B.S. ’00, M.S. ’03, and D.M.F.T. ’07, is a marriage and family therapist for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in West Palm Beach, Florida, where she provides clinical assessment and treatment. This includes individual, couple, and family therapy; crisis intervention; advocacy; and coordination of linkages to other VA or community service providers and/or agencies as needed by a veteran. She is part of an interdisciplinary team that works to meet the needs of veterans and their families. “NSU gave me the base knowledge and clinical experience I needed to acquire my two dream jobs, both of which involve giving back to those that give the most!”

Liscio is a volunteer for the Red Cross of Broward County and State Emergency Responders and Volunteers of Florida (ServFla). She was named SHSS Student of the Year in 2006. Liscio has been awarded the Chaplain Coin at Patrick AFB in 2011 and the Airman and Family Readiness Coin from Tyndall AFB in 2012.