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Division of Public Relations and Marketing Communications
Nova Southeastern University
3301 College Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796


NSU Alumni Spotlight: Mark A. Blais, Psy.D.

Mark Blais, Psy. D.

Mark Blais, Psy. D.

Mark A. Blais, Psy.D. (’91), is the associate chief of psychology at Massachusetts General  Hospital/Harvard Medical School. He represents and advocates for psychology/psychological services, directs the Psychological Evaluation and Research Laboratory, and conducts psychological assessment consultations. Blais is responsible for supervising psychology interns and postdoctoral fellows in personality assessments, providing individual psychotherapy, conducting personality evaluations for the Boston Red Sox, overseeing the department’s treatment monitoring program, and providing psychometric consultation to clinical and research groups.

Blais is an eight-time recipient of the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Psychology Internship Excellence in Teaching Award (1994–2012). He has also received the MGH Department of Psychiatry Mentorship of Clinical Faculty Award in 2007 and the Theodore Millon Award from Division 12 of APA for “Advancing the Science of Personality Psychology” in 2009.

“NSU provided me with an outstanding education in professional psychology and a solid foundation for building a productive and rewarding career. Perhaps most importantly,” said Blais, “at NSU, I learned how to learn.”