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Division of Public Relations and Marketing Communications
Nova Southeastern University
3301 College Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796


NSU Alumni Spotlight: Helen Ewing, D.H.Sc.

Helen Ewing, D.H.Sc.

Helen Ewing, D.H.Sc.

Helen Ewing, D.H.Sc. (’04), is director of the Doctor of Health Sciences program at A.T. Still University in Arizona. She is responsible for all aspects of program development and maintenance including hiring, supervising, evaluating, and mentoring faculty and staff members; dealing with all student issues; planning academic programs and curriculum development; and ensuring compliance with university-wide accreditation standards.

Ewing dedicates her spare time to working internationally in resource-poor countries and has provided nursing services in India, Bangladesh, Kenya, and Cambodia. These missions entail working with the most vulnerable groups who experience ill health, abuse, poverty, and reduced quality of life.

Ewing is a board member and secretary for Soroptimist International, which serves as a global voice for women, working to improve the lives of women and girls. In 2013, she was awarded the ATSU Arizona School of Health Sciences Alumni Board Living Legacy Award, which honors faculty and staff members and administrators for outstanding accomplishments and/or long-term service to the school.

“NSU has been the impetus to my career advancement,” said Ewing. “The exceptional reputation of the university and the college has allowed me to be selected for prominent positions based on my skills and educational background.”