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NSU Alumni Spotlight: Ann Forgione, M.S.N
Ann Forgione, B.S.N. ’08 and M.S.N. ’11, is the director of nursing for the General Surgery/ Trauma Unit and Transportation Department at Lee Memorial Hospital in Fort Myers, Florida. She oversees a $2.7-million budget and the day- to-day operations of a 30-bed nursing unit with 54 employees. Forgione was a key leader in the development and implementation of the Dedicated Education Unit (DEU) Partnership between NSU and Lee Memorial Health System. The DEU’s goal is to improve nursing education by providing clinical experience for bachelor’s degree students. The DEUhas also improved quality care for patients, resulting in better patient satisfaction scores.
While in her current position, Forgione earned her Bachelor and Master of Science in Nursing degrees at Nova Southeastern University. She has been with Lee Memorial Health Systems for 20 years and has also served as a nursing supervisor and staff nurse. Forgione started her career as a practical nurse working at various hospitals in New York.