NSU Newsroom
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Nominations requested for Student Leadership Awards, April 21
Recognize leadership today by submitting a nomination for the Office of Student Leadership and Civic Engagement’s Student Leadership Awards! The Leadership Awards include three Fraternity and Sorority Life specific awards as well. To nominate, please visit the Nomination Form here.
The deadline for nominations is March 30 at 11:59 pm. ALL students, faculty, and staff are eligible to submit nominations.
This year’s awards ceremony will be held on Tuesday, April 21 from 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. The ceremony is invitation only. For more information, please contact the Graduate Assistant for Leadership Development and Civic Engagement at (954) 262-7253 or ls1801@nova.edu or the Graduate Assistant for Fraternity & Sorority Life at (954) 262-2461 or ac2236@nova.edu.