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Nova Southeastern University
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March is National Nutrition Month – Eat Right, Your Way, Every Day

Submitted by: Marilyn Gordon, Ed.D., RD, CSSD, LDN
Registered Dietitian, Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics, Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist

This year is the 40th anniversary campaign celebration originally created by the Academy of Dietetics and Nutrition (formerly known as The American Dietetic Association). The first recognition of March as National Nutrition Month® began in 1973. The first animated symbol was named “Nutribird” and although a photograph could not be found, it is reported that its head was made of lettuce, and its beak, a carrot.

The 2013 theme: “Eat Right, Your Way, Every Day” recognizes individual differences in food preferences, eating styles, health goals, and cultural traditions around food. There certainly are many different ways to eat healthfully. Now, more than ever, we are beginning to realize the close relationships between our food choices and our physical health. A Registered Dietitian can help you discover an eating style that matches your health goals and lifestyle.

Click on the link to find some interactive games, quizzes, nutrition Sudoku, and even a fad diet timeline: http://www.eatright.org/nnm/games/

Make this a nutritious month of meals!