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Division of Public Relations and Marketing Communications
Nova Southeastern University
3301 College Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796


Mailman Segal Center Staff and Students Present at Florida Association for Behavior Analysis Conference

Members of the Mailman Segal Center’s (MSC) professional staff and a student representative recently presented a symposium at the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis conference in Jacksonville, FL.

The symposium, entitled, “Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Strategies for Students with Visual Impairment (VI) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD),” utilized a multidisciplinary approach by incorporating teachers, speech pathology professionals, a behavior analyst, and a graduate level ABA student.

Their symposium covered 4 topics:

A) Arranging Classroom Environments to Support Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Visual Impairment – Presented by Lauren Analetto and Kathleen Tio (Baudhuin Preschool Teachers).

B) Implementing Discrete Trial Teaching Effectively to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Visual Impairment – Presented by Kristen Sullivan (ABA Student).

C) Considerations for Effective Language Interventions for Preschoolers with Dual Diagnoses of Visual Impairment and Autism Spectrum Disorder – Presented by Trina Morgan (Baudhuin Preschool Speech-Language Pathologist).

D) Strategies for Increasing Engagement in Classroom Activities in Children with Autism
Spectrum Disorder and Visual Impairment – Presented by Tara Sheehan (Research Scientist at NSU’s Severe Behavior Day Treatment program).

ABA Practicum Coordinator Yulema Cruz, M.S., BCBA served as symposium chairperson.