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Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796


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Division of Public Relations and Marketing Communications
Nova Southeastern University
3301 College Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796


Lecture | The Wari: A Provincial Perspective of Peru’s Earliest Empire

Dr. Mary Glowacki, Florida Bureau of Archeology

Thursday, March 21, 2013  7:00pm-8:00pm

Museum of Art | Fort Lauderdale, Horvitz Auditorium

Scholars widely consider the Wari of the Peruvian Central Highlands to be the first empire of the prehistoric Andes. Archaeologists have explored sites throughout the sierra and coast marking the extent of Wari influence. Archaeological findings reflect standardized structure and practice mandated by a central authority, executed by a hierarchically organized administration, and supported by a society of specialized craftspeople. Such characteristics are a hallmark of early empires. These findings demonstrate how centuries before the Inca, the Wari laid the groundwork for advanced statecraft manifested by later Andean societies.

Mary Glowacki has been a Wari scholar for three decades. Her doctoral research was conducted at the Wari provincial center of Pikillacta, located outside the city of Cuzco. Subsequently, she pursued Wari investigations at the large settlement complex of Huaro, likewise located in the Cuzco region. She is currently composing a book on these latter investigations. Mary is also a Florida archaeologist. She has worked a number of years for the Florida Bureau of Archaeological Research in its Public Lands Archaeology program and now serves as the Chief of the Bureau and State Archaeologist for the State of Florida.

This event is complimentary to all Museum members and $15 for nonmembers.

Reservations are required.  Please RSVP to Adrienne Chadwick at achadwick@moafl.org.