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Lecture to Highlight Multidisciplinary Approach to Environmental Sustainability, Sept. 7

Glenn Schrader, Ph.D.

The Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences will begin its Climate-Sustainability Lecture Series for the 2012–2013 academic year with a talk about bridging the gap between various schools of thought on sustainability practices.

Climate-Sustainability Lecture Series
“Working Toward a Holistic Approach to Sustainability: Co-Disciplinary Practice School”
Glenn Schrader, Ph.D. (University of Arizona)
Friday, Sept. 7
Noon–1:00 p.m.
Mailman-Hollywood Building | 2nd Floor Auditorium

About the Talk
Although the incorporation of sustainability concepts within specific disciplines has occurred continuously since the 1980s, disparate currents of thinking remain dominant. Environmental,   technological, social, economic, and political viewpoints have indeed made critical contributions toward specific sustainability targets dealing with ecology, energy, water, public policy, and overall management systems.  But a single, integrated vision that incorporates the full complexity and multifaceted nature of sustainability has yet to emerge.

In this presentation, Schrader will outline new concepts for a “Practice School of Sustainability” and describe existing projects focused on environmental sustainability that offer the opportunity for “co-disciplinary” integration. This orientation to the multitude of challenges aims to encourage a more holistic approach to the multidisciplinary field of sustainability.

Schrader, who serves as associate dean for research and graduate education at the University of Arizona’s College of Engineering, spoke at NSU in 2010 as part of the Climate-Sustainability Lecture Series.

This talk is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Song Gao, Ph.D., associate professor at the college, at (954) 262-8388.

Hosted by the college’s Division of Math, Science, and Technology, the Climate-Sustainability Lecture Series aims to increase the understanding of the science, technology, and policies relating to climate change and sustainable development. Experts in related fields from within NSU and other institutions are featured speakers. These lectures give faculty members and students the opportunity to discuss the scientific, technological, social, and policy aspects of sustainability-related issues.