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Law Professors Participate at Annual SEALS Conference
Eight NSU faculty members participated in the annual Southeastern Association of Law Schools (SEALS) conference held on Amelia Island, FL, August 1-7, 2014. Professors Kathy Cerminara, Leslie Cooney, Olympia Duhart, and Athornia Steele, were speakers on panels about finance, course design, bad-faith claims, teaching, and being a law school dean, respectively, and Professor Jim Wilets moderated a panel about assessing student performance.
Professor Shahabudeen Khan was the school’s New Scholar, having been selected to be on a panel specifically designed to provide individualized feedback to faculty members with six or fewer years of experience. Professors Cerminara, Duhart, Steele, and Wilets also joined Professors Gail Richmond and Joel Mintz in participating in a total of eleven discussion groups (longer, more interactive, sessions than panels, conducted in roundtable fashion).
Planning for next year’s conference began with several members of the faculty participating in that process and more generally in SEALS governance, as follows: Professor Cerminara, who is also vice-chair of the Mentor Committee, on the Beginning and Newer Law Teachers Workshop Committee; Professor Jane Cross on the International Committee, including the Latin American Workshop Committee; Professor and dean emeritus Joe Harbaugh on the Distance Learning Committee; Professor Richmond, who is also secretary secretary/compliance officer of the SEALS Board of Trustees, on the Program Formatting Committee; and Professor Eric Young on the Website, Technology, and Communications Committee.