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Huizenga School Professor Presents at Two Conferences

Geoff Bick, Associate Dean GSB, University of Cape Town; John Balmer, Chair of Marketing at Brunel University, London; Nicola Kleyn, Deputy Dean, GIBS, University of Pretoria; Walter Baets, Dean, GSB, University of Cape Town; Russell Abratt,Professor,NSU’s Huizenga School of Business
Russell Abratt, Ph.D., professor of Marketing at NSU’s Huizenga School of Business, attended two by-invitation-only symposia during the 2014 summer term. Abratt chaired and co-organized the 17th International Corporate Identity Group (ICIG) Symposium, held at the Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town, South Africa from August 27-29, 2014. He also presented a paper, “The Effect of Supplier Relationships on Corporate Brand: A Case Study on Woolworths SA.” In addition, Abratt was chosen to edit a special edition of the Journal of Brand Management from papers presented at this symposium.
At the 9th Corporate Associations | Corporate Identity symposium held at Vrije University (VU) in Amsterdam, Netherlands, from September 5-7, Abratt presented a paper, “Stakeholder Saliency and Corporate Reputation: How Managers Prioritize Stakeholder Demands.” Both symposia were attended by leading academics from the world’s top business schools.