NSU Newsroom



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This version of SharkBytes has been archived as of February 28, 2019. To search through archived articles, visit nova.edu/search. To access the new version of SharkBytes, visit sharkbytes.nova.edu.

News Releases Archive


Division of Public Relations and Marketing Communications
Nova Southeastern University
3301 College Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796


SharkBytes Archives


Division of Public Relations and Marketing Communications
Nova Southeastern University
3301 College Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796


Holiday Members Only Night, Dec. 18

Tuesday, December 18

6:00 p.m.  – 9:00 p.m.

Holiday Members-Only Night

Complimentary for all Museum members, NSU students, faculty, and staff

In appreciation of your support we extend an invitation to all Museum of Art members to join us for an evening of seasonal fun at the Museum of Art.  Enjoy private viewing of Warhol and Cars, Pop Art in America, Return to the Ashcan, Foto Fort Lauderdale, and SHARK, hear brief docent lectures, receive double-discounts in the Museum Store and Café, free gift wrapping, plus enjoy a complimentary glass of wine and holiday treats.

RSVP to Lee. Ledegang@moafl.org