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Be Heart Smart!
Submitted by: Marilyn Gordon, Ed.D., RD, CSSD, LDN
Registered Dietitian, Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics, Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist
The American Heart Association has named February to be Heart Month and February 1 is National Wear Red Day to remind women about heart disease. These small actions can be beneficial for your overall health. It’s time to Be Heart Smart.
Just for today:
- Add ground flax or chia seeds to your oats to boost omega 3 fatty acid content.
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
- Eat an apple or pear for a snack. They both have soluble fiber which lowers cholesterol.
- Enjoy a stroll around Gold Circle Lake during lunch time.
- Have a plant-based lunch (more vegetables than animal protein).
- Visit the RecPlex at the University Center. Ask for a tour of the facility.
- Drink water or green tea instead of soda with your meal.
- Take a yoga class to relax and reduce your stress level.
- For dinner substitute fish or tofu for red meat.
- Walk around the block after dinner.
- If you need dessert, opt for fresh red strawberries or another fresh fruit.
For more information about ways to get healthy and be Heart Smart, visit the American Heart Association.