NSU Newsroom
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Have you seen the new Group Exercise Schedule offered at the NSU RecPlex?
The new group exercise schedule has 70 classes per week, the most in the RecPlex history! Our certified group exercise instructors are working around the clock to give you what you want. We’ve added new classes such as 30:30 (cardio/core); quick 30 minute upper and lower body blast classes; Relax and Roll-covery–using a foam roller; and Dance Party Fusion with energetic beats. We have something FOR EVERYONE regardless of your fitness levels.
NSU RecPlex is using the gold standard guidelines from the American College of Sports Medicine to categorize each class and teach you how much of each exercise you should be doing on a weekly basis. Each category is color coded for easy guidance.
Be sure to check out the class schedule, descriptions/recommendations, and separate spin schedule at www.rec.nova.edu.