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Guest Editorials/In Our Own Words
Keep College Campuses Safer, NO GUNS! – Guest Editorial

Guest Editorial/Op-Ed Fort Lauderdale/Davie, Fla. – It’s the greatest fear any educational leader has – a shooting on campus. All too often we are witnessing weapons-related tragedies across the United States. While many people couch the debate on the merits of the Second Amendment, which does call for “a…
A Peacebuilding Response to the Rise of “Trumpism”

GUEST EDITORIAL – OP/ED This is a presidential election cycle like we’ve never seen before. One person – Donald Trump – has ascended the ranks of his party not by calling for unity and focusing on what brings us together, but by espousing racism, incivility and divisiveness. Critics of…

GUEST EDITORIAL – OP/ED FORT LAUDERDALE/DAVIE, Fla. – The Orlando nightclub shooting was an act of terrorism committed by an Islamic extremist. To argue anything to the contrary is lunacy. Many are making the assumption that he was gay and they are rationalizing his violent act as a consequence…
May is Mental Health Month – Good Mental Health Starts Early

GUEST EDITORIAL / OP-ED How appropriate that May is Mental Health Month. We call the first of the month “May Day,” which also happens to be the international distress call. The origin of “mayday” as a call for help is French: m’aidez (which is Anglicized as “mayday”) means “help me”…
Diagnosing autism lags in some communities

April is Autism Awareness Month and the United Nations has designated April 2 as World Autism Awareness Day, with this year’s theme “Inclusion and Neurodiversity.” As a way to continue awareness for autism, we at NSU will be wearing blue on April 4 to recognize World Autism Awareness Day and…
Interprofessional education and patient involvement essential in health care

GUEST EDITORIAL FORT LAUDERDALE-DAVIE, Fla. – Six years after the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed into law (March 23, 2010), America is still adapting to health care reform. Whether one agrees with the legislation or not, one thing we should all agree on is that health professionals…
Through NSU, Our Community Will Realize Its Full Potential

Since Nova Southeastern University was founded more than 50 years ago, helping our students, faculty, staff and community realize their potential has been the foundation of our mission. We’ve re-dedicated ourselves to that commitment through Realizing Potential: The Campaign for Nova Southeastern University. On Saturday, January 30, we were…

GUEST EDITORIAL / OP-ED FORT LAUDERDALE-DAVIE, Fla. – Imagine believing something about yourself for many years. You’re comfortable, even confident, in who you are. Then imagine one day waking up to have others tell you “not so fast, you may not be who you think you are.” Your whole…
Helping Children Deal with and Understand Mass Shootings

GUEST EDITORIAL – OP/ED FORT LAUDERDALE-DAVIE, Fla. –They have become all too common on the nightly news – incidents of mass shootings. And in today’s world of instant information, word of these tragedies reach our children like never before. That’s why it’s important that parents know how to address…
Should the Paris Attacks Summon a Western Invasion to Crush ISIS?

GUEST EDITORIAL – OP/ED Should last month’s Paris attacks summon a Western invasion to crush the Islamic State? Unfortunately, yes. The goal of the Islamic State is to establish a global caliphate (religious state) with its capital being in Jerusalem and satellite offices in Washington, Rome, Tehran and Paris….

GUEST EDITORIAL FORT LAUDERDALE-DAVIE, Fla. – First of all, I would like to point out that I am neither a registered Republican nor Democrat but registered as “No Party Affiliation” (NPA) or what many call an independent voter. It is, therefore, in that vein that I wish to be…

GUEST EDITORIAL – OP/ED FORT LAUDERDALE-DAVIE, Fla. – We are living in a frightening time and our elected officials and presidential candidates must start taking our national security more seriously. ISIS wants to eliminate us. Russia is remilitarizing itself and threatening our NATO allies. China is expanding its…

FORT LAUDERDALE-DAVIE, Fla. – Student loan debt is of great concern to me as President of Nova Southeastern University (NSU), as I am sure it is to all college and university presidents. At NSU we do everything to keep tuition as low as possible and offer the quality education…
Here, There and Everywhere – Lifelong Learning

GUEST EDITORIAL / OP-ED FORT LAUDERDALE-DAVIE, Fla. – “Here, There and Everywhere” – while famously known as the title of a Beatles song, it is also the trend that is taking off relative to the world of retirement pursuits. Such pursuits were once mahjongg, bridge, golf, tennis, health and self-help…
Why Libraries Are Critical and Becoming the New “Hot Spots” For the Community

GUEST EDITORIAL / OP-ED While pencils, notebooks and rulers are important school supplies, there’s one supply that rises above them all – a library card. September is Library Card Sign-Up Month. One of the best gifts a child can receive is a library card because a library card…
As Summer Approaches, Take Time To Ensure Children Aren’t Left Behind

FORT LAUDERDALE-DAVIE, Fla. – As we all get ready for the summer months, once again protecting our children comes to the forefront of our minds. Every year it seems we hear stories of families who suffer the most horrible of tragedies – the death of a child left in…
Five-Year Anniversary of Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Brings More Questions Than Answers

FORT LAUDERDALE-DAVIE, Fla. – We all remember the dramatic underwater images from five years ago. An oil well head had blown off, and millions of barrels of oil spewed into the Gulf of Mexico. And we remember seeing photos and video of the many animals – seabirds, fish, sea…
April is Autism Awareness Month; April 2 is World Autism Awareness Day

FORT LAUDERDALE-DAVIE, Fla. – Each April, it is important that we take the opportunity to increase public awareness about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD.) One year ago, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that the prevalence of autism had again increased; this time to 1 in 68…
Debate over Presidential Executive Action on Immigration Obscures the Real Issues

Challenges by Congressional Republicans of the constitutionality of President Obama’s executive action on immigration has shifted the discussion about immigration reform from a policy debate to a constitutional argument that has no legal foundation. It is a rhetorical tactic by Congressional Republicans to avoid addressing an issue that is a…
The Problem with Thanksgiving – Opinion

When many of us think about Thanksgiving, what we think of is turkey, friends, family, traditions, football, shopping, Black Friday & Cyber Monday – and that moment just before the turkey is carved and everyone is gathered together. Once a year we all gather around the table and the Head…