NSU Newsroom
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Group Exercise—It’s Always More Fun in a Group
Where can you get over 160 chances a month to work with a certified fitness professional? The NSU RecPlex is your answer!
The NSU Office of Campus Recreation offers over 40 group exercise classes each week (hyperlink to www.rec.nova.edu/group-exercise-schedule.html). Certified fitness professionals will lead you through a safe, efficient, and dynamic workout that will assist you in reaching your health and wellness goals.
Group Exercise opportunities include:
- Spinning (Studio Cycling)
- Body Sculpt
- Circuit Blast
- Yoga
- Pilates
- Abs and Legs
- Zumba
- Tabata
Classes are fun, upbeat, and motivating! Beginners are always welcome as classes can be modified to meet everyone’s needs. A fitness assessment (hyperlink to http://www.rec.nova.edu/fitness/assessments.html) is advisable for those who may be new to exercise.
To learn more, visit our website at www.rec.nova.edu or call (954) 262-7301. You must be a RecPlex member or registered guest to participate in group exercise. Cost is just $15 per pay period via NSU Payroll Deduction.