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Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber Honors NSU’s Fred Lippman, Ed.D.

Ashley Boxer, co-chair, Excellence in Healthcare Awards Luncheon™, presents Fred Lippman, Ed.D., chancellor, Nova Southeastern University’s Health Professions Division, with the Meritorious Service Award
The Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce honored Fred Lippman, R.Ph., Ed.D., chancellor of Nova Southeastern University’s (NSU) Health Professions Division, with its Meritorious Service Award at the annual Excellence in Healthcare Awards Luncheon™. Lippman accepted the honor at the Chamber’s Perspectives in Florida’s Healthcare™ event on November 17, 2016 at the Marriott Harbor Beach Fort Lauderdale.
While presenting the award, event Co-chair Ashley Boxer from Memorial Healthcare System said, “Dr. Fred Lippman has made an enormous impact in the lives of millions of people throughout our region, our state and our nation.”
As chancellor of NSU’s Health Professions Division, Lippman is responsible for overseeing eight colleges, including dental medicine, health care sciences, medical sciences, nursing, optometry, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy and the soon-to-open College of Allopathic Medicine (M.D. college).
Lippman joined the Southeastern University College of Pharmacy in 1987 as vice president for pharmaceutical affairs. In 1989, he was promoted to vice president for external affairs for Southeastern University of the Health Sciences, which merged with Nova University in 1994 to create NSU. He was appointed chancellor of NSU’s Health Professions Division in 2004.
Prior to joining NSU, Lippman served as a community pharmacist for more than 20 years. He has been widely recognized by academic and health care societies and has held important leadership positions in professional organizations. Among his numerous awards and activities, he was the 1986 recipient of the American Pharmaceutical Association’s Hubert H. Humphrey Award for Excellence in Pharmacy, a past President of the Broward County Pharmacists Association, and a former Speaker of the House of Delegates of the Florida Pharmacy Association.
Lippman served as a member of the Florida House of Representatives from 1978-1998 and was widely respected for championing legislation to protect children and senior citizens, and to improve Florida’s health care system.
Among his many honors, Lippman received a lifetime achievement award from Florida’s Children First in 2016, was named “Child Advocate of the Year” in 1996 by the Florida Pediatric Society, was named “Outstanding Advocate” in 1997 by the Institute of Holocaust Documentation at Florida International University for his leadership in adopting Holocaust educational curricula in the state of Florida, and received the Youth Law Center “Distinguished Achievement Award.” He also received the Florida Medical Association’s “Award of Appreciation” and was named the “Individual of Merit” by the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce at its 2015 Health Care Heroes awards.
Lippman received his degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences at Columbia University College of Pharmacy and holds a doctorate in Higher Education Administration from NSU.