NSU Newsroom
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Get Certified! NSPF Certified Pool/Spa Operator Certification Course, April 22-23
Our very own NSU Aquatics Institute is offering a NSPF Certified Pool/Spa Operator Certification on April 22 and 23, 2017.
The Nova Southeastern University Aquatics Institute is a proud authorized provider of Certified Pool/Spa Operator® (CPO®) certification courses. These courses are designed to provide individuals with the basic knowledge, techniques, and skills of pool and spa operations. Certification is REQUIRED by the Florida Department of Health for any contractor performing maintenance or service of public pools.
Two day standard course and online course are available. Course includes a pump room tour of one of our award winning facilities! Classes start at $280 and more advanced certifications are available. Visit NSUAquatics.com to register today or view one of our other class offerings!
Classes are taught on the campus of Nova Southeastern University inside the beautiful Rolling Hills Graduate Apartments pool/clubhouse.
For additional information, please visit our website at nsuaquatics.com or email aharris1@nova.edu.