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Forensic Science on Trial: Who’s Judging the Experts, March 13
Five years after the publication of the National Academy of Sciences’ eye-opening report, Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States, criminal and civil trial attorneys and those with whom they work find themselves practicing in an altered landscape. Faced with new concerns about the certification and proficiency testing of forensic examiners, the lack of foundational research in many of the most commonly relied-upon forensic scientific disciplines, and the need for new ethical standards, the decades-old question of who is and is not an expert has never been more critical.
If this subject is relevant to you and you are in need of professional education credits and/or a great reason to escape wintry weather, NSU and the Forensic Sciences and Law Education Group are hosting a Florida Bar approved CLE course called Forensic Science on Trial: Who’s Judging the Experts? on March 12-13 at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts in Fort Lauderdale.
Instructors include: Cyril Wecht, M.D., J.D., forensic pathologist; Richard Souviron, D.D.S., forensic odontologist; Barbara Wolf, M.D., Central Florida medical examiner; Curtis Mase, J.D., Miami-based civil defense attorney; Gary Winston, J.D., assistant state attorney and senior trial counsel; and Amelia Michele Joiner, J.D., Stetson University College of Law associate professor,for this two-day seminar in sunny Southern Florida.
Whether you’re a trial attorney or judge, a criminalist or forensic expert, a law enforcement officer or a private investigator, or simply someone with an interest in the state of our criminal justice system, this one-time educational opportunity is not to be missed!
For more information or to register now at early bird rates, visit www.nova.edu/healthcare-ce or call (954) 262-5327.