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February is American Heart Month- Let’s Get Heart Healthy
Submitted by Marilyn Gordon Ed.D. RDN CSSD LDN
NSU Registered & Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist
Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in the United States. Every year 1 in 4 deaths are caused by heart disease. The good news is that there are “7 Simple Steps” highlighted by The American Heart Association that we can take to reduce our risk and enjoy a healthier life. They are:
- Get Active
- Control Cholesterol
- Eat Better
- Manage Blood Pressure
- Lose Weight
- Reduce Blood Sugar
- Stop Smoking
In regards to #3 Eat Better; you can begin to eat better today by including 4-5 cups of fruit/vegetables into your daily diet. If you need to lose weight, include more vegetables than fruit. Make a plan to include fish at least twice a week and keep the other animal protein foods as lean as possible by removing the skin first and then baking, broiling, or grilling. Lastly, opt for low fat dairy foods and choose less processed whole grains which contain higher levels of fiber.
The American Heart Association offers a “My Life Check Assessment” online which will take only a few minutes to complete but provide a 4 page “My Life Check” Summary report with detailed information towards an action plan if needed. http://mylifecheck.heart.org/PledgePage.aspx?NavID=5&CultureCode=en-US
Take action today to improve your health and decrease the number one cause of death.