NSU Newsroom
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FCE Participates in the United Way of Broward County’s Inaugural Get Dirty Day
NSU’s Fischler College of Education (FCE) partnered with United Way of Broward County, Home Depot, and Rebuilding Together on October 19, to make a difference in the Dania Beach community. Joyce L. Davis, representing FCE, was one of 40+ volunteers who participated in a community block rebuild by painting and landscaping seven homes for families who could not afford to do so on their own.
“Together, we made the elderly smile and brought a facelift to the community. Revitalizing lives by rebuilding communities and treating our neighbors like family showcases how NSU and FCE has given me an edge to support our local communities,” said Joyce.
For more information on how to get involved with United Way of Broward County’s Volunteer Engagement Committee, please contact: Joyce L. Davis at joycdavi@nova.edu