NSU Newsroom
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Fall Recruitment Events Show Promise for Future Enrollment
The College of Undergraduate Studies’ Offices of Undergraduate Recruitment and Admissions invited prospective students to two of their larger yearly events in September and October. College Preview Day on September 27 and the Outstanding Student Reception and Dinner on October 17 brought nearly 200 prospective students plus over 300 family members on campus.
Brad Williams, Ed.D., Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of the College of Undergraduate Studies, served as emcee for the Outstanding Student event and said he was impressed with the prospective students at his dinner table. NSU President George L. Hanbury, II, Ph.D., welcomed the group and spoke about the diversity of the student body. President Hanbury paraphrased a conversation he had with a student who said one of the things they most appreciated at NSU was that “there are enough people who look like me so I feel I belong, and enough people who don’t look like me and think differently.” As a minority-majority university, NSU offers significant opportunities for preparing students for the global economy.