NSU Newsroom
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Don Rudawsky promoted to Executive Director of Institutional Effectiveness
Upon the retirement of Blair Atherton, Ph.D., executive director of Institutional Effectiveness, Don Rudawsky, Ph.D., has been promoted to Executive Director of Institutional
Effectiveness. Rudawsky holds a doctoral degree in Social Psychology from the University of Cincinnati and has been a member of the Association for Institutional Research since 2001. He has served NSU since 2006 as Senior Research Associate in the Office of Institutional Research. During his time in this role, Rudawsky produced research reports on undergraduate student retention, transfer student success, and comparisons of online and classroom based degree programs and has been instrumental in developing NSU’s data dashboards. The change of the office from Institutional Research to Institutional Effectiveness marks an effort to more closely link the office’s efforts in research and accreditation, providing support for data driven decisions to university administrators in the pursuit of NSU’s Vision 2020.