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Dance Workshop Open to NSU Community, Nov. 22 and 23
The NSU community is invited to join University School students and other local dancers in a one-of-a-kind Dance Workshop that gives dancers an opportunity to take classes with world-renowned choreographers and dance instructors. The Fall Dance Workshop will be held on November 22 and 23 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in University School’s Epstein Center for the Arts. Dance styles featured in the workshop include Hip-Hop, Modern, West-African, Jazz, African Diaspora, and Flamenco. Tickets are $50 and can be purchased online by clicking here. For a complete description of each class, please see below:
- Ana Miranda will teach the Flamenco technique. Dancers will be exposed to both traditional and contemporary interpretations of the form.
- Michelle Grant-Murray will teach a blend of contemporary and traditional modern dance techniques infused with elements of African Diaspora Movement Forms.
- Susan Quinn will show dancers how to execute innovative and diverse movements based on the individuality and style of American Jazz dance.
- Vanya Allen will teach West African Dance with a modern twist.
- Hattie Mae Williams will teach a mash-up of modern techniques, Ballet and Yoga. Dancers will learn a contemporary approach to learned ideas regarding subtle weight changes, floor work and dynamic movements through space.
- Louise Tansey will show dancers how to use the dynamic style of hip-hop to express themselves through music and dance. Stretching, isolations, rhythms, musicality, strength and footwork will be incorporated to create a high energy dance sequence.
For more information, please contact Toranika Washington, Dance Director, at (954) 262-4473.