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Division of Public Relations and Marketing Communications
Nova Southeastern University
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Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796


CPS Faculty Elected NASP Secretary

Sarah Valley-Gray, Psy.D.

Sarah Valley-Gray, Psy.D., associate professor at the Center for Psychological Studies (CPS), was elected Secretary of the National Association for School Psychologists (NASP) for the 2011-2014 term.

Over the last decade, Valley-Gray has served as a faculty member, led the development of the specialist and doctoral programs in school psychology, and directed the continuing education program. She is currently serving her second term as a member of the NASP Delegate Assembly. Additionally, she has served on the NASP Standards Revision committee, is a member of the NASP Early Career Workgroup as well as the NASP Graduate Education Workgroup. Through these ventures, she is able to provide support to future leaders in psychology to further her passion to “enhance the learning and mental health of all youth.”

She has similarly served on the Florida Association of the School Psychologists (FASP) Executive Board for the last decade in a variety of positions including, Chair of Awards, Professional Development, and Training and Credentialing. As Training and Credentialing Chair, she led the development and implementation of the standardization of the internship selection process within Florida. She has served as Fundraising Chair and more recently as President, of the Children’s Services Fund, Inc. (CSFI) – FASP’s charity arm. She has organized the annual auction, which has netted over $50,000 to meet the needs of disadvantaged children within Florida. More recently, she has led the “adopt-a-school” campaign to provide support to students in schools devastated by the country’s economic woes. With each of these projects, she has mobilized the enthusiasm of the dedicated executive board as well as devoted students and practitioners throughout Florida.

Throughout her journey as a school psychology practitioner, graduate educator, researcher, administrator, professional association leader, and classroom teacher; her motivation has been to make a difference in the lives of children. Her leadership and wisdom have contributed greatly to the evolution of the school psychology program at NSU, the continuing education program, and the profession of school psychology through her leadership in professional association work. Her expertise will continue to benefit the field of psychology as she embarks on her next venture as Secretary of NASP.