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Cleveland Clinic Florida Names NSU College of Pharmacy Alumnus COO
Cleveland Clinic Florida has appointed NSU College of Pharmacy alumnus Osmel “Ozzie” Delgado, Pharm.D., M.B.A., FASHP, chief operating officer. Delgado will be responsible for planning and directing operations for the academic medical center, which includes a hospital and medical practices in Weston as well as practices in Parkland, West Palm Beach and Palm Beach Gardens.
“Ozzie has been part of the Cleveland Clinic family in Florida for 15 years, and in that time has made significant contributions to the organization which has enhanced our ability to grow and deliver world-class care to our patients,” said Wael Barousm, M.D., president of Cleveland Clinic Florida. “We value his leadership as we continue to grow our services and embark on a critical period of capital expansion.”
Delgado joined Cleveland Clinic Florida in 1999 and has had a succession of leadership roles that have included director of pharmacy, administrative director of clinical operations, and most recently senior director of operations. He was responsible for establishing hospital workflows for Cleveland Clinic Florida’s new transplant programs, multiple construction projects across the organization, and established an accredited pharmacy residency program.
As the winner of the 2012 Cleveland Clinic Caregiver Award, Delgado was recognized for demonstrating Cleveland Clinic’s “patient first” philosophy. He also reflects the organization’s commitment to education as an instructor with multiple academic institutions, including Nova Southeastern University. He also was NSU College of Pharmacy’s recipient of the Celebration of Excellence Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award in 2013.
Delgado earned a M.B.A. in healthcare administration from Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Fla., a Doctor of Pharmacy from Nova Southeastern University and a Bachelor of Science degree in biology from Barry University in Miami Shores, Fla. He is a fellow of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, immediate past president of the Southeast Society of Health-System Pharmacists, and a member of the American College of Healthcare Executives.