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CHASS Doctoral Defense Uses GoToMeeting
Julia Foster Beeman, M.S., doctoral candidate in the Department of Justice and Human Services in NSU’s College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (CHASS), recently defended her dissertation using GoToMeeting.
This was the first time GoToMeeting was used to conduct the entire defense. During the defense Beeman was in North Carolina, her committee chair, James Nardozzi, Ph.D. was in Connecticut, committee member Robin Larsen, Ph.D. was in Fort Lauderdale and committee member Joseph Kuhns, Ph.D. was in North Carolina.
Beeman’s dissertation was titled, “The Presence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptomology and its Relationship to Attitudes Regarding Use of Force Held by Urban Patrol Officers in the Southern United States.”
Beeman holds an M.S. in Criminal Justice Management from the University of North Carolina in Charlotte. She is the chair and assistant professor of Criminal Justice at Belmont Abbey College in Belmont, NC. Using GoToMeeting enabled Belmont Abbey College President, William Thierfelder, E.D., and others to attend the defense.