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Call for Presentations: Best Practices in Online Learning, Oct. 28
The NSU Committee on Best Practices in Online Learning is excited to announce its annual forum to be held on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at NSU Main Campus.
The theme is “Engagement Strategies for Quality Online Learning.” You are cordially invited to participate and share with other NSU faculty members your practices or research related to the theme.
Please submit a proposal for presentation by completing the online form at https://opinio.nova.edu:443/opinio/s?s=9802.
Topics may include any related to the effective use of online or technology-enhanced strategies to support, educate, engage, and inspire students in a blended or online learning setting. Some examples are the following:
• Gamification.
• Use of mobile technologies.
• Implementing the flipped classroom.
• Use of social media.
• Analytics.
• Ensuring access to course materials with different devices.
• Use of iBooks, e-books, infographics, or Web 2.0 tools.
• Use of synchronous technologies (e.g., Blackboard Collaborate, Google Hangouts on Air, Skype, Zoom) or asynchronous technologies (e.g., discussion boards, email, announcements, Tegrity, Captivate, Articulate.).
• Use of various media types (i.e., audio, text, video, multimedia).
• Lessons learned.
• Best practices, tips, and tricks.
You may propose one or several of the following presentation formats:
1. Pearls of Wisdom (5 minutes): Interactive short sessions of best-practice techniques (i.e., experiences, practical tips, or practical ideas) for effective online teaching targeted to newer faculty members. These pearls of wisdom are techniques that instructors could implement in their courses (e.g., techniques for effective interaction or communication, course management, assessment, student engagement). Speakers should follow this outline for the pearls:
• Goal: What is it going to accomplish?
• Technique: What technique is used to implement it?
• Tools/technology: What technologies (synchronous or asynchronous) are used to implement the “pearl”?
• Outcome: What outcomes have been seen, or are expected, with this technique and how are they observed/measured?
2. Interactive Roundtable (20-30 minutes): Interactive roundtables are intended for those who want to share their research, project, or ideas in a small-group setting. You can either use your laptop to share information or present information from a handout.
3.General Presentation (20-30 minutes): These presentations focus on best practices or research conducted that relate to the proposed forum topics and have general appeal. The format is primarily presentation with questions and answers following.
An announcement concerning attendance at the forum will be sent on time to NSU staff and faculty (fulltime and adjunct).
On behalf of the Best Practices in Online Learning Committee, I thank you for your support and collaboration. I hope you will be able to join us.
For more information about this forum and call for presentations, please do not hesitate to contact Orellana@nova.edu.