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Division of Public Relations and Marketing Communications
Nova Southeastern University
3301 College Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796


CAHSS Launches Legal Society Club

Legal Society ClubNSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) has launched a new club, the Legal Society Club. Started in the Department of Justice and Human Services, the club’s description says, “The Legal Society Club (LSC) is made up of variety of legal students and alumni who believes in goals, vision, mission and values. We believe that being involve in this club may be an opportunity to build communication and leadership skills, be involved in the community and being a part of legacy for new students. We believe time and resources are our valuable assets so we seek to promote individual strengths, success, integrity and professionalism.”

The club’s purpose is “To be successful, to make a difference, be a better communicator, become effective leaders, meet new people, be goal oriented, do something different, help those in need, to leave a legacy, to be YOU.”

Interested students may go to the club’s Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/legaleseclub) and may also log into their OrgSync account and join. Those with questions may contact the club’s President, Tamara Chang via e-mail (tamabrya@nova.edu). Ellen Kracoff, J.D., faculty in the Department of Justice and Human Services is the faculty advisor