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Division of Public Relations and Marketing Communications
Nova Southeastern University
3301 College Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796


Autism Experts Present at 42nd Annual Conference of the Autism Society

Susan Kabot, Ed.D., and Christine Reeve, Ph.D., presented Evidence Based Language and Communication Programming: Preschool Through Adulthood as a full day preconference at the 42nd Annual Conference of the Autism Society in Orlando, Florida. They also presented a session for families entitled, Educational Program Evaluation for Parents: What Should I look for?  Sue Kabot, as a member of the Autism Society’s Panel of Professional Advisors also participated in the Panel’s annual question and answer session addressing questions submitted through the Society’s website.

Kabot is the Director of Clinical Programs at the Mailman Segal Center (MSC); and specializes in researching and developing programs for children with autism spectrum disorders. Kabot supervises two of the MSC’s programs for children with autism, Starting Right and the Unicorn Children’s Clinic and she also chairs the University’s Interdisciplinary Council for the Study of Autism.

Reeve, now in private practice,  previously collaborated with Sue Kabot in developing the autism master’s and doctoral course series offered at the Abraham S. Fischler School of Education, and the applied behavior analysis concentration in the MS Counseling program offered at the Center for Psychological Studies.