NSU Newsroom



This version of NSU News has been archived as of February 28, 2019. To search through archived articles, visit nova.edu/search. To access the new version of NSU News, visit news.nova.edu.

This version of SharkBytes has been archived as of February 28, 2019. To search through archived articles, visit nova.edu/search. To access the new version of SharkBytes, visit sharkbytes.nova.edu.

News Releases Archive


Division of Public Relations and Marketing Communications
Nova Southeastern University
3301 College Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796


SharkBytes Archives


Division of Public Relations and Marketing Communications
Nova Southeastern University
3301 College Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796


Annual “I Believe in NSU” Student Survey Begins in October

It’s that time again!  NSU wants to know what our students think.

Annually we send out an email invitation to participate in the “I Believe in NSU” student survey.  We use the responses to continuously improve the high quality education and services we provide.  On October 1, students will receive an email invitation from Credo Higher Education (our survey partner)!

When they participate, they will automatically be entered into a drawing for one of two iPhone 5’s, a nice upgrade from Apple’s flagship device, featuring the all new mobile operating system, IOS6.

The drawing will take place on Monday, Oct. 22 at noon at the offices of Credo Higher Education in Whitsett, North Carolina.  Prizewinners will be notified by email and all prizewinners will be featured on the “I Believe in NSU” website after Nov. 1, 2012.  Prizes will be furnished by Nova Southeastern University from its general fund.  No purchase or contribution is necessary for eligibility in the drawing.