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Division of Public Relations and Marketing Communications
Nova Southeastern University
3301 College Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796


Alumni Spotlight: NSU Pharmacy Alumnus Achieves Success

Bryan Ciervo, Pharm.D., training new pharmacist

Bryan Ciervo, Pharm.D., training new pharmacist

Bryan Ciervo, Pharm.D., Class of 2002, is a proud NSU College of Pharmacy alumni and preceptor who after graduation, worked for Publix as a Pharmacy Manager for 6 years, having spent 16 years in total with Publix (from bagger to pharmacist!) Currently, Ciervo is a Pharmacy Manager for Target in Lauderhill as he has been for the past 7 and ½ years. He truly enjoys working with a geriatric clientele, and his patients love how he takes care of them in a very personalized, individualized manner.

Ciervo’s preceptor site is a training store for new pharmacists, as well as a district lead for flu shots in 2014. In addition to working at Target, Ciervo works with COP alumni faculty, Jaime Riskin, Pharm.D., Class of 2003 and Brian Hierholzer, Pharm.D., Class of 2003, in PCM labs 1, 2 and 3 as an adjunct faculty. Ciervo worked on the development of the lab with Riskin three years ago, providing advice on community cases as well as patient counseling.

Currently, Ciervo is completing his MBA from NSU! He decided to go back to school after 11 years in practice, and will graduate in October! He is excited and looking forward to enhancing his career, combining his Pharm.D. with an MBA for new opportunities!