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Alumni Spotlight: NSU College of Pharmacy Alumni Recognized by Florida Society of Health-System Pharmacists
Constance Hogrefe, Pharm.D., Class of 2000, Director of Pharmacy at Promise Hospital of Fort Myers, was named the 2015 Pharmacist of the Year by the Florida Society of Health-System Pharmacists. The annual award recognizes Hoegrefe’s outstanding performance and achievements during her pharmacy career as well as her substantial involvement as FSHP member. Hogrefe was immediate past president of the FSHP and well regarded by her colleagues, “Connie’s collaborative brand of leadership coupled with unquestionable expertise leads other practitioners to promote high quality patient care. We are fortunate to benefit from her work at FSHP,” states her colleague, Norman Tomaka, clinical consultant pharmacist, who has worked with Hogrefe for the FSHP.
David Ballesteros, Pharm.D., Class of 1999, was elected to the FSHP Board, Southwest Region. Ballesteros has held various leadership roles with Suncoast Hospice, Anazaohealth, Pharmacy Management Services, Inc. (PMSI), and Express Scripts. He was also a Pharmacist Officer in the Army Reserves, 345th Combat Support Hospital in St. Petersburg. His military service included serving as Company Commander for the 73rd Field Hospital, and serving on military humanitarian missions to Paraguay, South America. Ballesteros served as the president for SWSHP, and chair for the Organizational Affairs Council for FSHP. Ballesteros received his Doctor of Pharmacy from NSU, and completed his Pharmacy Practice residency at the University of California, San Francisco. He also has a M.B.A. from the University of Tampa and received his Green Belt – Lean Six Sigma Certification at St. Petersburg College.