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Nova Southeastern University
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Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796


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Division of Public Relations and Marketing Communications
Nova Southeastern University
3301 College Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796


Alumni Spotlight: Carrie Sarver

Carrie Sarver

Carrie Sarver

After advising the City of Fort Lauderdale’s Public Works department for eight years, Carrie L. Sarver, Law (‘05) moved into the Deputy General Counsel position at Toho Water Authority. Sarver now handles the day-to-day legal operations of the public utility charged with providing regional stewardship over water resources in Osceola County. With a 250+ person workforce and a nearly $85 million operating budget, the utility owns and operates 15 water plants and 8 wastewater plants, treating and distributing approximately 31 million gallons of potable water and reclaiming 20 million gallons of wastewater each day.

Carrie L. Sarver, professionally:

  • Credits NSU’s AAMPLE® program for making her legal career possible
  • Grateful to Torts instructor for bringing the law to life and serving as a mentor
  • Wore special honor cords at graduation for work with Pro Bono Honor Program
  • Served as a law clerk at Adorno & Yoss. P.A.
  • Served eight years as Assistant City Attorney III, advising the City of Fort Lauderdale’s Public Works Department, which serves a population of 300,000+ and maintains all City-owned buildings, public streets and right-of-ways
  • Admitted to the U.S. Supreme Court Bar at age 32
  • In February became Deputy General Counsel at Toho Water Authority (Kissimmee, Fla.), which owns and operates 15 water plants and 8 wastewater plants
  • Serves on the Board of Directors for the Osceola County Bar Association
  • Serves on the Board of Directors for Help Now of Osceola, Inc., a nonprofit providing safe shelter and empowering survivors of domestic violence through counseling and advocacy.

Most fulfilling part of your work:

“As a local government lawyer, I work on a wide variety of legal issues—public records law, government in the sunshine, land use, property rights, and labor matters to name a few. Each matter presents a new and interesting challenge and an opportunity to impact the law. I’ve also been fortunate to work with brilliant and successful attorneys who have mentored me not just as a young lawyer, but as a woman in a traditionally male business. The evolving nature of the law and our legal profession presents both opportunities and challenges that make working as hard as we do worth it.”