Tag Archives: Mailman Segal Institute
MSI Launches Successful “18 iPADS in 18 DAYS” Initiative

NSU’s Mailman Segal Institute (MSI) launched a new initiative recently – 18 iPads in 18 Days – to help facilitate communication for children with autism at MSI’s Baudhuin Preschool. The preschool provides services to children with autism through a contract with the School Board of Broward County and is recognized…

Nova Southeastern University’s Mailman Segal Institute (MSI) launched a new initiative, “18 iPads in 18 Days”, to help facilitate the learning process for children with autism at MSI’s Baudhuin Preschool.
Mailman Segal Institute Hosts Open House, Dec. 11
The Family Center Preschool, Infant/Toddler Program and Parenting Place at MSI will host an MSI Open House and Family Fun Fest on Dec. 11.
MSI Director Receives Appointment from Florida Governor Charlie Crist

Susan Kabot, Ed.D., CCC-SLP, director of Clinical and Therapeutic Programs at the Mailman Segal Institute for Early Childhood Studies (MSI), was recently appointed to the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council by Governor Charlie Crist. At MSI, Kabot specializes in researching and developing programs for children with autism spectrum disorders, supervises the…
MSI’s Parenting Place Winter Registration is now OPEN
Registration is now open for MSI’s Parenting Place Winter session which runs now thru March 5, 2011. The Parenting Place ™ offers more than 200 programs for families and children (birth to age five) to learn, play and grow together. The award-winning classes are held in the Jim & Jan…
MSI offers Tutorial Program for Children in Grades K-5
NSU’s Mailman Segal Institute is offering Super Kids!, an innovative, afterschool program for children in grades K-5 that uses an individualized, hands-on approach for improving reading, writing and math skills. Students are provided with tailor-made programs to suit their individual needs based on an assessment which is included at NO EXTRA…
MSI Tampa Director Presents in Broward
Hilde Reno, Ph.D., Director of Instruction and Special Projects at the Mailman Segal Institute Tampa, was an invited presenter at the Broward Early Childhood Education 2010 Leadership Conference. Reno, author of the Handbook for Early Childhood Administrators, presented on “Directing With A Mission.” The Handbook for Early Childhood Administrators is used by…
MSI Staff Present at the 30th Annual Meeting of the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis
The Florida Association for Behavior Analysis’ (FABA) annual conference is a popular forum for exchanging ideas and data-based research related to Behavior Analysis, Behavior Therapy, Performance Management and Behavior Management programming. The organization’s purpose is to promote the use of ethical, humane, and effective application of behavior principles in all…
Learn about DAIS at AcademicFest, Oct. 29
Don’t miss the first in a series of AcademicFests designed to boost your NSU pride, and give you insider’s knowledge that will increase your “NSU IQ.” NSU faculty and staff are invited to enjoy a complimentary lunch, and learn more about NSU’s newest division – the Division of Applied Interdisciplinary…
MSI “Parent Chat” Series Returns
Parents are invited to join the Mailman Segal Institute to discuss parenting issues, challenges and solutions. Workshops are led by a team of NSU professionals every Tuesday at 12 p.m. in the MSI Living Room, located on the second floor in building 100. Parent Chat is free and open to…
Mailman Segal Institute Dean Presents at Conference in Belfast

Roni Leiderman Ph.D, dean of the Mailman Segal Institute (MSI), was a keynote speaker at the Inclusive and Supportive Education Congress Conference (ISEC) held at Queen’s University in Belfast, Ireland during August. Leiderman presented an overview of reflective based practices and university based collaborations, showcasing NSU’s Autism Institute and…
NSU Opens Unicorn Children’s Foundation Clinic in September
For parents of children suspected of autism spectrum disorder, finding and obtaining an early and accurate diagnosis is a challenge on many different levels – until now.
Nova Southeastern University’s (NSU) Interdisciplinary Council for the Study of Autism announces the opening of the Unicorn Children’s Foundation Clinic beginning September 16. The clinic, the first-of-its-kind in Broward County, offers parents a unique interdisciplinary approach to obtaining an assessment and possible diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder in children ages birth to five years old.
NSU to Honor Dan and Claire Marino with President’s Community Award at Celebration of Excellence
Nova Southeastern University (NSU) will award Dan and Claire Marino with the university’s highest honor, the President’s Community Award, at NSU’s annual Celebration of Excellence on Jan. 24 at 6 p.m. The President’s Community Award is bestowed annually to individuals whose leadership and support provides the foundation for continued growth of the university.