Tag Archives: Kevin Clauson
Research Study for Adults with Type 2 Diabetes – Volunteers Needed!

NSU is conducting research to see if texting can help people remember to take their diabetes medicine. If you are interested in learning more about this 6 month study, please contact Kevin Clauson, Pharm. D., at 754-300-TEXT (8398). Please see flyer for more details…
The Center for Consumer Health Informatics Research (CCHIR) at Nova Southeastern University has been designated by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a WHO Collaborating Center in Consumer Health Informatics. This represents the first such Collaborating Center designation by the WHO specific to consumer health informatics in the world. The…
NSU College of Pharmacy Faculty Publish Paper on Energy Drinks

Three NSU College of Pharmacy faculty from the West Palm Beach Student Educational Center -Stephanie L. Ballard, Pharm.D., BCPS; Jennifer J. Wellborn-Kim, Pharm.D., BCPS; and Kevin Clauson, Pharm.D., – published a paper on energy drinks frequently marketed to individuals interested in athletics and active lifestyles. Their article was published in…