Tag Archives: Immunocompromised
Submitted by Marilyn Gordon EdD RD CSSD LDN Registered Dietitian, Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics, Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist It cannot be emphasized enough; the importance of safe food handling and preparation during these summer months. This is the most popular time for family picnics, holiday BBQ’s, and outdoor food preparation. The…
Student to Present Research on Immune Response in Math Colloquium Talk, Apr. 20

Adam Abdulhafid, a student with a Biology major in the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences, will discuss his research on “A B-Cell-Driven Model of Antibody Response in an Immunocompromised System,” as part of the Mathematics Colloquium Series, hosted by the College’s Division of Math, Science, and Technology. Friday, Apr….