NSU Newsroom
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Pulitzer-Prize Winning Reporter Discusses Debut Novel Chronicling One Woman’s Search for Her Cuban Identity
Next FREE event in the fall Culture Vultures series at NSU’s Library will feature Fabiola Santiago
FT. LAUDERDALE-DAVIE, Fla. – Nova Southeastern University’s (NSU) Alvin Sherman Library, Research, and Information Technology Center is now home to the Culture Vultures, which is a group dedicated to bringing art, culture and thought-provoking programs to the residents of Broward County.
The next FREE event in the fall Culture Vultures series will be:
- Memory and Imagination – Writing Reclaiming Paris
Sunday, Nov. 8, from 2-4 p.m.
Pulitzer Prize winning news reporter, Fabiola Santiago, will discuss her debut novel, Reclaiming Paris. Described as a romantic ode to Cuba, the book chronicles a Miami woman’s search for her lost island and her identity. Santiago will share personal and professional experiences from nostalgic tales of a grand homeland, to her reporting on the Cuban exile community in Miami.
This program is FREE and open to the public, and will be held at the Alvin Sherman Library on NSU’s main campus, at 3301 College Ave. in Davie.
About the Library: The Alvin Sherman Library is a joint-use facility, which is the result of an innovative agreement between NSU and the Broward County Board of County Commissioners. The five-story Library, Research, and Information Technology Center is Florida’s largest library building at 325,000 square feet. It serves the residents of and those who work in Broward County, as well as NSU students, faculty, and staff members. For more information visit www.nova.edu/library/main/. To sign up for a library card, visit www.nova.edu/library/card.
Media Contact:
Andra Liwag, NSU Office of Public Affairs
954-262-5309 office, 954-873-8494 cell, andrali@nova.edu
Andra Liwag
NSU Office of Public Affairs
954-262-5309 office
954-873-8494 cell
Pulitzer-Prize Winning Reporter Discusses Debut Novel Chronicling One Woman’s Search for Her Cuban Identity
Next FREE event in the fall Culture Vultures series at NSU’s Library
will feature Fabiola Santiago
FT. LAUDERDALE-DAVIE, Fla. – Nova Southeastern University’s (NSU) Alvin Sherman Library, Research, and Information Technology Center is now home to the Culture Vultures, which is a group dedicated to bringing art, culture and thought-provoking programs to the residents of Broward County.
The next FREE event in the fall Culture Vultures series will be:
- Memory and Imagination – Writing Reclaiming Paris
Sunday, Nov. 8, from 2-4 p.m.
Pulitzer Prize winning news reporter, Fabiola Santiago, will discuss her debut novel, Reclaiming Paris. Described as a romantic ode to Cuba, the book chronicles a Miami woman’s search for her lost island and her identity. Santiago will share personal and professional experiences from nostalgic tales of a grand homeland, to her reporting on the Cuban exile community in Miami.
This program is FREE and open to the public, and will be held at the Alvin Sherman Library on NSU’s main campus, at 3301 College Ave. in Davie.
About the Library: The Alvin Sherman Library is a joint-use facility, which is the result of an innovative agreement between NSU and the Broward County Board of County Commissioners. The five-story Library, Research, and Information Technology Center is Florida’s largest library building at 325,000 square feet. It serves the residents of and those who work in Broward County, as well as NSU students, faculty, and staff members. For more information visit www.nova.edu/library/main/. To sign up for a library card, visit www.nova.edu/library/card.