NSU Newsroom
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NSU In The News
Optometry Professor Featured on WPLG
Kimberly K. Reed, O.D., F.A.A.O., associate professor at NSU’s College of Optometry, was featured in a story on WPLG Channel 10’s HealthCast with Kristi Krueger. The story focused on new equipment that NSU is using to detect macular degeneration years earlier than previous methods and how patients can slow the…
NSU Professor Angling for Invasive Lionfish off South Florida Coasts

Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic Center’s David Kerstetter, Ph.D., was featured in a Miami Herald story about his work related to invasive species, specifically lionfish. The story was subsequently put out on the national news wire, with it being picked up by outlets in other parts of the country. You…
NSU Researcher Leads Study of Threatened Coral Reefs
FORT LAUDERDALE-DAVIE, Fla. – Nova Southeastern University’s Oceanographic Center has a long-standing tradition of researching and advocating for the protection of our coral reefs. To that end, NSU researcher Brian Walker, Ph.D., led a recent study that mapped nearly 40 acres of local coral reefs. The study, which was contracted…
Nova Southeastern University Researchers to Study Effects of Oil and Dispersants on Coral
A team of Nova Southeastern University (NSU) Oceanographic Center researchers are preparing their latest research project, sponsored by Clean Caribbean & Americas (CCA.) This new endeavor is a multi-year laboratory research project that will study the effects of oil and dispersed oil on coral. This project will be conducted at…
Oceanographic Center name change in honor of Guy Harvey Featured in Local and National Media
NSU’s Oceanographic Center was featured in local and national media due to the name change of its newest facility in honor of wild life artist and conservationist Guy Harvey. See coverage here: Sun-Sentinel World News Network Sail-World
Shepard Broad Law Center Featured in Local and National Media
NSU’s Shepard Broad Law Center was named one of the best law schools by the Princeton Review. The story was featured in local and national media. See coverage here: Orlando Business Journal Yahoo Finance WJTV News Channel 12
Nova Southeastern University STEM grants Featured in Local and National Media
Nova Southeastern University was awarded $7M in U.S. Dept. of Education Title V grants, which focus in attracting and retaining undergraduate students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) subjects, including computer science. The grants were featured in local and national media. See coverage here: Sun-Sentinel Gainesville Sun The Washington…
NSU’s H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship Executives and Entrepreneurs-in-Residence Program was featured in the Sun-Sentinel. The program allows students to meet with business leaders and receive one-on-one career advising. See story here.
Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences Event Featured in Local and National Media
NSU’s Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences event ITPalloza was featured in local and national media. See coverage here: The Miami Herald Bloomberg Businessweek
NSU’s Oceanographic Center Assistant Professor David Kerstetter, Ph.D. and NSU’s Farquhar Collge of Arts and Sciences Assistant Professor Christopher Blanar, Ph.D., were featured on CBS-4 regarding a solution to the Lionfish invasion. See full story HERE.
Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences Professor Featured in the Sun-Sentinel
NSU’s Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences Professor, Yair Levy, Ph.D., was featured in the Sun-Sentinel regarding Cyber Monday scams. See full story here.
H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship Associate Professor Featured on WPBT2
NSU’s H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship Associate Professor, Albert Williams, Ph.D, was featured on WPBT2 segment Issues discussing the economics of poverty in South Florida. See full interview here.
Oceanographic Center $8.5 Million Grant Featured in Local and National Media
NSU’s Oceanographic Center $8.5 Million grant to study oil spill was featured in local and national media. See coverage here: Sun-Sentinel The Miami Herald Oil & Gas Technology Offshore Energy Today
College of Optometry Associate Professor Featured in the Tallahassee Democrat
NSU College of Optometry Associate Professor, Barry Frauens, O.D., F.A.A.O, featured in the Tallahassee Democrat discussing eye health. See full article HERE
College of Osteopathic Medicine Graduate Training Program and Faculty Featured in the Sun-Sentinel
NSU’s College of Osteopathic Medicine Graduate Training Program featured in the Sun-Sentinel. HPD Chancellor Fred Lippman, B.Sc., R.Ph., Ed.D., Natasha Bray, D.O., Joseph Giaimo, D.O., and Sonia Daryanani, D.O., discussed the importance of osteopathic physicians in South Florida. See full covered HERE.
Nova Southeastern University 50th Anniversary Year Featured in Local and National Media
Nova Southeastern University celebrated its 50th Anniversary year on Dec. 4, 2014. Story was covered locally by the Sun-Sentinel and Florida’s Research & Education Network and nationally by WJRT ABC 12 in Flint, MI.
Professor Gary Gershman, J.D., Ph.D., Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences, responds to a Q and A regarding his perspective on executive orders on today’s Orlando Sentinel. Click here to view full story.
NSU’s Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences Professor, Charles Zelden, Ph.D., Featured on NBC 6
NSU’s Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences Professor, Charles Zelden, Ph.D., was interviewed by NBC 6 regarding the Florida Election 2014. Click here to see the video.
NSU’s Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences Associate Professor, Julie Torruellas Garcia, Ph.D., was featured on Telemundo’s “Al Rojo Vivo” segment regarding the dangers of dogs’ saliva for humans. Click here to see video.
Alvin Sherman Library Featured on Local 10 News
Two Nova Southeastern University librarians, Sarah Falvey and Megan Albright, from Alvin Sherman Library were featured in this great news story on Local 10 News about how reading is critically important for good health! Click here to see full video