NSU Newsroom
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NSU Community Grieves for Charleston
Nova Southeastern University students, administrators, faculty and staff came together to sign a banner in support of the Charleston and Emanuel AME Church communities in response to tragic massacre on June 17. Sharonda Coleman-Singleton, one of the nine victims killed in the shooting was obtaining a degree in speech-language pathology at NSU.
NSU’s College of Health Care Sciences and Speech-Language Pathology Department led the effort, which also offered students at NSU’s regional campuses an opportunity to send statements to be added to the banner, which will be sent to the Emanuel AME Church.
Dr. George Hanbury, President of NSU released the following statement on behalf of NSU: “The Nova Southeastern University community is deeply saddened to learn about the tragic loss of one of our own. We grieve together for the family and loved ones of Sharonda Coleman-Singleton and all of the victims of the massacre at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. Violence is never the answer.”
Click below to view the story from WSVN Channel 7.
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