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Law Enforcement Officials Participate in Hostage Negotiation Training at Nova Southeastern University
FT. LAUDERDALE (DAVIE), FLA. – Officials from the Federal Bureau of Corrections, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Police departments from Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach are participating this week in an annual training symposium on Nova Southeastern University’s (NSU) main campus in Davie.
The focus this year is on hostage negotiation. Nationally recognized faculty experts, speaking on subjects such as hostage negotiation techniques, various aspects of suicide, post traumatic stress, pharmacology and toxicology, are presenting and leading open discussions.
Held at NSU two years ago and again this week the training is collaboration between the Federal Bureau of Investigation officials and NSU’s Center for Psychological Studies (CPS) and Criminal Justice Institute. CPS professor Vincent Van Hasselt, Ph.D., will provide training on hostage negotiations and suicidal behavior. Gene Cash, Ph.D., NCSP, associate professor at CPS, will train attendees on various aspects of Suicide. Additionally, a training session on Pharmacology and Toxicology will be provided by Jose A. Rey, Pharm.D., BCPP, an associate professor at CPS.
The conference runs through October 16th on NSU’s main campus in Davie.
Media Contact:
Felecia Henderson, NSU Office of Public Affairs
(954) 262-5315, fhenders@nova.edu