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Economic Outlook for Southeast Florida to be Examined at Meeting at NSU
Industry leaders to present views on local economy on Oct. 23
FT. LAUDERDALE-DAVIE, Fla. – Experts will discuss the economic outlook for key industries in Southeast Florida at a meeting at Nova Southeastern University (NSU) on Oct. 23. Titled “Economic Outlook for Southeast Florida,” the meeting will feature presentations on international trade, housing and hospitality industries from local leaders.
The event is being presented by the Economics and Finance Association at NSU’s H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship along with the National Association for Business Economics. The meeting will be held in the Carl DeSantis Building on NSU’s main campus (3301 College Ave.).
Admission to the meeting is $20 for NABE members and $25 for non-members for reservations made by Oct. 19. After Oct. 19, admission will be $25 for NABE members and $30 for non-members. NSU students, faculty and staff can attend free of charge. Seating is limited. RSVPs can be made by email at charharr@nova.edu or by calling 954-262-8119. Breakfast and lunch will be included.
The schedule of presentations is:
9 a.m.: International Trade
Presenter: J. Antonio Villamil, Ph.D.
Dr. Villamil is dean and research professor at the St. Thomas University School of Business, a member of the President’s Advisory Committee on Trade Policy and Negotiations, the immediate past chairman of the Governor’s Council of Economic Advisors, and a member of the Washington Economics Group
10 a.m.: Housing Sector
Presenter: Brad Hunter
Hunter is chief economist and national director of consulting at Metrostudy, Inc., a leading provider of market information to the housing and related industries. His has written numerous articles and textbook chapters on the housing industry and is a frequent contributor to publications by the Urban Land Institute.
11 a.m.: Hospitality Industry
Presenter: William Stronge, Ph.D.
Dr. Stronge is a professor emeritus at Florida Atlantic University and is currently a senior fellow in economics at the Cantanese Center for Urban and Environmental Solutions at FAU. He is also a member of the Economists Roundtable at the Economic Development Institute of the Palm Beaches.
12 p.m.: Lunch Break
1 p.m.: Local Economic Overview
Presenter: William Pettinger
Pettinger is a senior vice president and chief real estate economist for Seacoast National Bank. He holds the MAI designation form the Appraisal Institute and has served as a senior appraiser in both the private and public sectors. He has published six books and numerous articles over his 40-plus years in the real estate field.
Media Contact:
Alan Hancock, NSU Office of Public Affairs
954-262-5385, hancocka@nova.edu